When will the new paediatric services building open?

The new building is due to open in 2025.

When will the new car park open?

The new car park is due to open in 2024. 

What is the budget for the project?

The NSW Government has announced a $619 million budget for the stage 2 redevelopment of The Children's Hospital at Westmead. 

What was included in Stage 1 of the redevelopment?

Stage 1 was part of the new Block K (Central Acute Services Building) at Westmead. It included:

  • Emergency Department (ED)
  • Children’s Short Stay Unit (CSSU)
  • Additional Medical Imaging and pharmacy departments (to service the ED and Children's Short Stay Unit
  • Additional digital operating theatres.

The children’s departments are on the street level (level 2) and provide fast-tracked service to ensure patients are treated quickly and safely in an environment that has been built for the future.