You may notice increased construction vehicles within Kid’s Research Lane due to works being carried out in the area. Pedestrian access within Kids Research Lane and Research Road is closed while work is being carried out in this area. Please see map for alternative route. Staff who travel through this area to access Hawkesbury Road and staff car parks will need to use an alternative route. Access will remain open between CHW and KR via Level 2, and to the KR loading dock and plant rooms. The CHW bike cage will remain open and accessible. For the safety of bicycle users, entry is via the rear of the hospital and walk through the Genetics Corridor, or alternatively enter from the main entrance. Access to the CHW bike cage and Chinese Gardens via Research Road will be closed until several key construction projects are complete.
As always, please follow direction of signage and site staff for your safety. There may be some changes to traffic conditions while work is taking place including intermittent stoppages and lane closures. Motorists are reminded to slow down to 20km/h while travelling along Redbank Road.